Crafting Fair and sneak peek

Last weekend there was a craftig fair called Kreativmesse Ost in MGC in Vienna. Shops form all over the country were selling their goods and having workshops. As every year there was a big run.

I visited the fair 2 or 3 years ago when I was into scrapbooking, but back then the place was smaller and there were so many people that I didn't plan to revisit xD
But this year I gave it another chance because there were some yarn- and fabric shops and I have been desperatly looking for nice, modern fabrics which I wouldn't have to order online.
Unfortunatelly I only brought my smartphone camera, so I didn't manage to shoot a lot of good pictures.

One of the yarn sellers was  Regina Berger from Tulln, she had a large color range, but most of it was MyBoshi, which is a rather expensive yarn. And there was a fabric seller called DasHandarbeitsgeschäft  from Winden am See, who had some amazing cool fabrics, which I am going to use for some projects I already have in mind.

These were my treasures:

I noticed there was a lot of felting going on, and there were a huge amount of different beads for sale.

I bought there beads at TopShop, together with these metal pendants which I am going to use on my future projects :-D

I'm very much looking forward to starting the projects with the comic fabrics, but before I'm going to finish my latest, here's a little sneak peek:

until then,
hooky hugs!


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